Ini Mama dan Papa. Mama nama Anne (bkn nama sebenar), Papa nama Remy (Nama sebenar)... I guess this is the introductory episode of ourself. so sapa-sapa yang tak kenal, dah kenal lar sekarang kan... inilah penghuni No. 17, Jln Inai 3, Bukit Beruntung. Rumah sendiri, tak habis bayar loan lagi ngan bank, (camne nak pegi haji nih..heheh..) Papa is a very quiet person, while Mama is vice versa, infact Mama is the most talkative person in Jalan Inai. For Papa, he was a lucky man to have Mama. WHY? because Mama is the bestest wife and mom to his kid? doesn't she, Papa? hehehe (perahsaan lar plak kan???)
Anyway, Papa formerly worked with PERODUA, and now he's with NAZA, different company but still automotive line, and he is sooo into cars designing. Well, you're the MAN...Mama hope papa enjoy with what you're doing now. But please be in your mind whatever we have discussed before (sounds like Mama is a dominant person..heheh..., )TETTTT... incorrect, mama just reminding okay... this is what a wife for... to remind and remind and remind until they die...
While Mama, is also working and it is all about human, welfare, training, payroll, benefit, compensation... I guess you know by now what is my job scope... How's mama doing now? Hmm... It's hard to say... but hey, life must go on... and frankly speaking,
As a mother - I'm very concern on my kids development for sure,
As a wife - I've tried my best and always prepare the best for my hubby,
As a daugther - Mak, you're in my heart, I love you ... take care of your good health,
As a daugther in Law - I wass blessed to have a wonderful couple as my Father and Mother In laws. They are "SUPERB". I could not imagine if I have a vice versa in laws.
This is my Daugther. The only daughter I guess (we've planned no more production, enough with these two). One special thing about her, she always make her Mama and Papa proud with her academic abilities. We hope she will continue that forever. We are not hoping too much from her, just to make sure that she cope well with school environment, teachers, friends and exams. As capacity of a student, she done it very well. Everytime I question her on what she wanna be one day, She will stick to one answer, (compared to me at her age :same questioned but different answer, hehe..)
Her great weakness?? She's too fear of darkness. She can cry histerically when sudden electricity failure happened. I too fear of darkness but it's not necessary to cry over it, isn't it??. Maybe this was significant of "Kekasih Ku Seru" (suka sangat tengok WARIS, tu lar pasal)... She just finished her exam last week, and we'll see how's the result...
Here is our son. Muhammad Danish Emir. 4 years old as at 31 Aug 2008 and hello it is 31st Aug hokay!!!.. so everyone shall respect it and be granted a day leave for his birth remembrance. heheh...
Our little baby has turned to a big "rebellion" boy now (pray to GOD..hoping that he's not continuing it forever) .
Well, I still remember the day I'd struggle to get him out from my tummy. He was supposed to be "checked-out" on 5 September 2004, and again I chose Hospital Selayang when many mommies out there opted to go private hospital. Why Hospital Selayang?. one, becoz all expert doctors are there and it's not easy to check in there you see...hehe..(macamlah sangat...), second, it is the nearest hospital, actually Hospital Kuala Kubu kinda near but too scary to go there, friends told me it is the most quiet hospital since not many patient and you can feel the spookyness when you have to stay overnight there...and three, because it is cheap... hehehe...that's the real reason actually...
The moment we reached Selayang Hospital, The waterbag hasn't yet pecah but baby "hallway" has already opened about 6". 10" is the best time to start pushing the baby out. And in Hospital Selayang, (not sure other hospital), you can make sound (groaning) but with your mouth shut (???), got what i mean? hmmm!!! well hey..I did it successfully after the third pushed.
Because it was Public Holiday of our Hari Kemerdekaan, I've waited for almost 2 hours to get a bed (dunno why? and I did not manage to ask them when too happy with the new born).